Beginner Friendly

How to learn what disc golf is? How to explain it to your friends? How and where is the best place to play it?

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Articles about disc golf

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Kā izvēlies pareizo disku atkarībā no situācijas laukumā - PAR3 | Disku golfs

Kā izvēlies pareizo disku atkarībā no situācijas laukumā

Disku golfs ir daudz vairāk nekā tikai diska mešana grozā – tā ir stratēģiska spēle, kurā svarīga ir gan tehnika, gan disku izvēle atkarībā no situācijas laukumā. Ja esi jauns spēlētājs, iespējams,...

Piemērotākie disku golfa diski iesācējiem - PAR3 | Disku golfs

Best disc golf discs for beginners

Disc golf is arguably the easiest sport to start playing. Its simplicity and accessibility are the key reasons behind the rapid growth and increasing popularity of disc golf.

Pievienojies Prodigy Rising Stars! - PAR3 | Disku golfs

Join the Prodigy Raising Stars!

PAR3 and Prodigy Rising Stars Youth Development Program In envisioning the future of disc golf in Latvia, and disc golf coach Rolands Bergs have joined forces with Prodigy Disc to create t...

Lielākās disku golfa sacensības 2023. gadā - PAR3 | Disku golfs

The biggest disc golf tournaments in 2023

With each passing year, the level of disc golf tournaments rises as quickly as the growing number of players passionate about the sport worldwide. This year, disc golf series in both Europe and th...

Kā panākt, lai disku golfa diski kalpo ilgāk? - PAR3 | Disku golfs

How to make disc golf discs last longer?

Disc golf discs, like us, have their lifespan. Each disc’s lifespan can vary depending on how often it is used. While discs are made to be durable, they wear out over time, especially those we enj...

mydiscbagDisku golfa disku izvēle ar MyDiscBag - PAR3 | Disku golfs

Disc Golf Disc Selection with MyDiscBag

Choosing the Right Discs with MyDiscBag Choosing the right discs can often be quite challenging. When starting your disc golf journey, depending on how seriously you want to take this hobby, you m...